Game Changers event

November 15, 2022 from 16:00 to 19:00
BioPartner 5 De Limes 7 2342DH Oegstgeest | Organized by: BioPartner & ImmunoWars

Who's up for an evening of board and card games with an educational side effect? Fight friends, colleagues, enemies, and other people in carefully selected games with an impact. Welcome to a thrilling evening of games & sciences!


1. Heart and Brain The Party Game - Difficulty level *

Channel your inner Heart and Brain to WIN! Trivia! Challenges! Voting! Truth/Dare! Scenarios/Responses!

2. OrganAttack – Difficulty level **

The family friendly game of organ harvesting. The object of OrganATTACK is to remove opponents’ organs before they remove yours.

3. ImmunoWars – Difficulty level ***

The most infectious card game. ImmunoWars is a highly strategic game based on science, medicine, and real world monsters called ‘viruses and bacteria’.

And talking about Game Changers, meet Hospital Hero, who make hospital visits less stressful to children. A demonstration of their interactive app will help you find your way in the gaming venue.

For more information, program and registration click here

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