Leiden Data Science x TechTalk: Personal Health Data & Privacy”

January 26, 2023 from 16:00 to 18:00
Organized by: Leiden data Science and LBSP Organisation | Location: PLNT Leiden

Leiden Data Science is back in the new year! We are kicking off the meetup season on Thursday the 26th of January, from 16:00 to 17:00

During this event we will have two inspiring speakers talk about personal data in healthcare and privacy. Dr. Jilda Bouwman from TNO and Rick Overkleeft from 4MedBox will discuss how we will manage ownership and provide access to our healthcare data in the future.Prior to this Prof. Barend Mons will share with us the development plans for an Open (Data) Science and Innovation Centre in Leiden that will tranform the Pesthuis Complex.Afterwards, we can have some drinks!Our meeting will be in the Spotlight room at the PLNT, the Leiden Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Click here to sign up for this event 

--- AGENDA ---

16:00 - 16:05 Welcome and agenda

16:05 - 16:10 Introductions

16:10 - 16:20 - Open (Data) Science and Innovation CentreProf. Barend Mons The development plans for the Pesthuis Complex

16:20 - 16:45 - 1st sessionDr. Jildau Bouwman, Sr Scientist Systems Biology and Program Leader bij TNOC4yourself: towards secure visiting of personal health data

16:45 - 17:10 - 2nd sessionRick Overkleeft - Co-Founder and CEO bij 4MedBoxFrom privacy by default to ownership by default.

17:10 - 17:20 - Closing remarks

17:20 - Drinks and social event

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