TechTalk: ATMPs

October 19, 2022 from 15:15 to 18:15
Organised by LBSP Foundation | Location: BioPartner 5, De Kas


This TechTalk is hosted by the ATMP Thinktank. Help overcome challenges in ATMP development and contribute to the ATMP ThinkTank. A group of experts dedicated to sharing insights, enhancing EU collaboration, and getting ATMPs to patients.

Check out the ATMP Think Tank here.

During this TechTalk the CURE4LIFE consortium members will share their work and vision for the Future of Innovation in ATMPs.

Correcting a genetic defect in the patient's blood stem cells can mean a lifelong cure for a number of rare genetic diseases. Unfortunately, this kind of fully curative gene therapy often doesn't reach patients, and not because the therapy wouldn't work. The CURE4LIFE consortium will develop a platform infrastructure that can be used for many different diseases, instead of focusing on one approach that is uniquely suited to a single disease. At the same time, they address challenges related to the regulation, reimbursement and public acceptance of these therapies in a knowledge center for dialogue with society.

The questions the consortium aims to answer are relevant not only to stem cell gene therapies, but to many other regenerative treatments. The CURE4LIFE consortium is therefore closely linked to renew, an international consortium that aims to bring stem cell-based therapies to the patient.

Program & Sign up


  • 15.15 Walk in - registration
  • 15.30 Start program
  • 17.15 Start network event with drinks & bites and the possibility for roundtable discussions
  • 18.15 End TechTalk

Davide Integlia


Frank Staal


Pim Pijnappel

Erasmus MC

Tristan Pritchard-Meaker


Bristol Myers Squibb


Eize de Boer

Batavia Biosciences

Introduction Tech Talk 2022

At Tech Talk events, experts from different organisations at LBSP share their views and insights around a specific technology or subject so that attendees can both broaden and deepen their knowledge on this topic.

In recent years, Tech Talks have become a well-known concept at LBSP. In 2022, we organise another new series of talks.

Do you or does your organization would like to co-organize a TechTalk that is focused on connecting with your peers at the Leiden Bio Science Park? Feel free to contact Hidde Zittersteijn to discuss the possibilities.

Did you know? BioPartner5 will be the first energy-neutral laboratory in the Netherlands