TechTalk: Microbiome

March 21, 2023 from 16:00 to 19:00
Organised by LBSP Foundation: Location: Naturalis Live Science

Microbiomics for a better tomorrow

'We live in a world of microorganisms. While a small number are pathogenic, most microorganisms are symbiotic and some even beneficial to the host & surrounding environment.

Microbial biomarkers have a vital role in novel (drug) discovery & development, industrial biotechnology advancements, and evolution dynamics, among others. Over the last 10 years, we have made a leap in understanding the power of microbes. Leiden Bio Science Park is home to several key academic and commercial players who work with microbes around-the-clock. This is our first Tech Talk on microbes and we hope to welcome you on March 21st to this very interesting talk from our Leiden-based microbe specialists'.

Program & Sign up


  • 16.00 Walk in - registration
  • 16.30 Start program
  • 17.45 Start network event with drinks & bites
  • 19.00 End TechTalk

Molecular markers of Biological Age and vulnerability

Eline Slagboom - DUSRA VOILA consortium

Microbiome modulation: how can it influence health?

Edwin Abeln - TNO

The therapeutic potential of the human microbiome

Jannie Henderickx - LUMC Center for Microbiome Analysis and Therapeutics

Towards a multi-omics approach to decipher the microbiome complexity

Paola Lisotto - BaseClear

Sponge microbial communities

Nicole de Voogd - Naturalis

MyMicroZoo: microbiome analysis and its use in lifestyle management

Coen Breedveld - MyMicroZoo

Introduction Tech Talk

At Tech Talk events, experts from different organisations at LBSP share their views and insights around a specific technology or subject so that attendees can both broaden and deepen their knowledge on this topic.

In recent years, Tech Talks have become a well-known concept at LBSP. In 2023, we organise another new series of talks.

Did you know? Leiden University of Applied Sciences provides bachelor’s & master’s programmes