December 12, 2023

Human Capital Event

The current and future demand for talent at the Leiden Bio Science Park exceeds the supply. How can we increase the influx of the new generation of lab technicians, scientists and other Life Science professionals?

Event Recap Human Capital event: ‘Increasing interest and participation of children and students in Life sciences’

Addressing the Need for New Talent at Leiden Bio Science Park

The Leiden Bio Science Park is currently facing a significant challenge: the demand for skilled lab technicians, scientists, and other Life Science professionals is rapidly outpacing the supply. Addressing this talent gap is crucial for the future of the park and the wider Life Science community.

A Call to Action for Stakeholders

In response to this pressing issue, a special event was organized, targeting a diverse range of participants – from Human Capital managers, education and faculty leaders, expats, students, to HR professionals. The goal was to bring together those who are directly involved or deeply invested in nurturing future talent in the Life Sciences sector.


  1. Introduction HCA Theme - Thijs Remijn
  2. Technolab - Chantal Goes & Jan Haak
  3. Centrum JongerenCommunicatie Chemie (C3) - Jeroen Sijbers
  4. Student Communities Leiden (SCL) - Nino van Moorsel
  5. Call-To-Action Traineeship - Inge Lebbink (Formorrow) & Paul Zantingh (Yxion)

Focusing on Solutions and Collaborations

The event served as a platform for discussing strategies to attract and train the next generation of Life Science professionals. It emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts between industry and educational institutions, innovative approaches to talent development, and the creation of enticing career pathways for young professionals.

Continuing the ConversationThis gathering was more than just a meeting; it was a step towards a collaborative effort to secure the future of the Life Sciences field. The discussions and connections made during this event are expected to spark further initiatives and solutions to address the talent shortfall at the Leiden Bio Science Park.

Did you know? More than 18,000 students attend study programmes at Leiden Bio Science Park