June 7, 2024

The People Behind the Leiden Bio Science Park - Chris Jaeger

The People Behind the Leiden Bio Science Park: Chris Jaeger is an event and community manager at the Foundation Leiden Bio Science Park. She explains how she helps to build our community and the Dutch Bio Science Week

What makes your job worthwhile? Your peers, colleagues, and network are probably a big part of the joy your work brings you. While online connections are always at your fingertips nowadays, meeting new people in real life can be challenging when we are busy and working hard on our careers.

This is where a community comes in: it provides opportunities to expand your network and meet people to help, connect with, or even explore potential collaborations. There are many ways to be part of the community at the Leiden Bio Science Park. Chris Jaeger is an event and community manager at the Foundation Leiden Bio Science Park. She explains how she helps to build our community.

Please tell us more about your background.

"I'm Chris Jaeger, and I'm from Leiden. I studied European Studies at the Haagse Hogeschool and have mostly worked as a project manager in the events sector. One of my recent projects was the Kennis door de Wijken project (Knowledge throughout the Neighbourhoods) for Leiden European City of Science 2022. This project aimed to connect society and science. I enjoyed it so much that I am now working for the foundation Leiden Bio Science Park as a community and event manager. I believe the park plays a significant role, and I am happy to be a part of it."

What does the community of the Leiden Bio Science Park look like?

"We have multiple companies in our science park, with a strong focus on life science & health. I appreciate the diversity in the types and sizes of companies, organizations and institutes at the park. Additionally, the park houses educational institutions on all levels. Collaboration and community are key values at the foundation and crucial to growing the Bio Science Park. We offer various opportunities for knowledge exchange and networking, such as round tables, CEO breakfast meetings, TechTalks, and Life Sciences cafes."

You started your job recently. What are your ambitions for the coming year?

“My ambitions are twofold. One is to connect the people within the park and really expand the current community and create new communities. The second is to connect the park to the region. People in the region don't really know what exactly takes place at the Leiden Bio Science Park. So, we want to open our doors and invite people in. The Dutch Bio Science Week, which takes place from the 22nd to the 29th of June 2024, will help kickstart both these goals.”

That sounds exciting! What can we expect?

"The Dutch Bio Science Week has a wide range of events for people of all ages and interests. It will kick off with the Leiden Knowledge Festival at the Hooglandse Kerk on June 22. During the week, there will be events for professionals as well. During the week, there is much opportunity to learn something new and network with other professionals who work in the Life Sciences & Health industry, such as during the TechTalk XL with NecstGen about Cell & Gene Therapies, an event on microscopy by Evident Scientific or a meeting by our partners of FIGON, who organize the yearly Dutch Medicine Days. Are you more of a sporty type? There will also be several sporting events for people working at the Leiden Bio Science Park. One of my favorite events is aimed at primary school children, meant to inspire them with the possibilities of a career in Science. Finally, the week will end with an Open Day on June 29, where everyone is invited to come and see what happens inside our buildings."

What drives you to grow the Leiden Bio Science Park Community?

"My personal drive is to connect people. I believe communities can have a great impact. Of course, I aim to connect employees of the Leiden Bio Science Park to each other, the park, and the region. But, I also want to connect people from the region to the Leiden Bio Science Park. As I discover more about the park daily, I feel more and more proud that these innovations are happening in Leiden. I want everyone in the area to be proud of the Leiden Bio Science Park and understand we can all be part of the daily innovation, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes for everyone."

I have a good idea for a community event; how can I reach you?

"That's great! If you have any plans to create a community event or other ideas to help our community, please let me know. We are open to any suggestions, whether for business-to-consumer or business-to-business purposes. Also, if you're interested in participating in Dutch Bio Science Week as a speaker to present your research or company, don't hesitate to contact me at cjaeger@lbsp.nl."

Did you know? Leiden University recently launched SAILS, a large AI-related research programme