Human Capital event: ‘Lifelong Learning’ (Leven Lang Ontwikkelen – LLO)

March 21, 2023 from 16:00 to 18:15
Organised by: LBSP Foundation | Location: Grand Café De Stal

The demand for talent at the Leiden Bio Science Park exceeds the supply. How will ‘Lifelong Learning’ be able to change this?

LLO is mentioned in the recently published Human Capital Agenda (HCA) LBSP as one of the solutions to obtain and retain sufficient and up-to-date talent for the LBSP.

From the organization's perspective, Lifelong Learning is described as: 'Developing activities to retain sufficient healthy, motivated and professionally qualified employees for now and in the future'.

There are social challenges such as shortages in the labor market and the energy transition and these are accelerating. This offers opportunities, but puts the adaptability of people and organizations to the test. To continue to remain employable on the labor market and meet the challenges of the future, it is important that everybody continues to develop: a Lifelong Learning.

What defines LLO and what opportunities does it offer us? These are some of the questions we are trying to answer within the program 'CIV (Centre for Innovative Craftsmanship) Bio Sciences' and within the project 'Ecosysteem Leven Lang Ontwikkelen' from the Human Capital Agreement Zuid-Holland.

During the meeting on 21 March, a variety of partners will discuss where we stand right now and what the plans (with you) are. In a panel discussion we will discuss the subject; 'Lifelong Learning' (Leven Lang Ontwikkelen – LLO) in a dynamic and interactive way based on several propositions and questions. Do you have a question you would like to ask our panel? Please send it to:

We look forward to an interesting meeting with plenty of room for interaction and new ideas!

Program & registration

  • 16.00 - 16.15 Reception & registration
  • 16.15 Start of the program
  • 16.15 - 16.25 Welcome and introduction of the Human Capital Community - Ida Haisma, Director LBSP Foundation
  • 16.25 - 16.40 Presentation on the CIV (CIV (Center for Innovative Expertise) Bio Science - Sandra Migchielsen, Project Manager à CIV (Centre for Innovative Craftsmanship) Bio Sciences – Sandra Migchielsen, Program Manager
  • 16.40 - 17.20 Panel discussion with:
  • - Ronald Kompier(Director BTF: Biotech Training Facility)
  • - Maria Plug (Hogeschool Leiden)
  • - Carolien Wetzels (EBZ: Economic Board Zuid Holland)
  • - Sandra Migchielsen (Project Leader CIV)
    Moderator: Ida Haisma
  • 17.20 - 17.30 Closure
  • 17.30 - 18.15 Networking with bites & drinks

                                              Please note!

                                              • This event is an English speaking event.
                                              • This event is intended for Human Capital responsible, education and faculty managers, expats, students, HR professionals and anyone who has LLO (Leven Lang Ontwikkelen) in his/her portfolio and is located at the Leiden Bio Science Park or has a connection with the Leiden Bio Science Park cluster.
                                                                                          Did you know? Schiphol Amsterdam Airport – ca. 20 min by car and ca. 15-20 min by train